Thursday, May 23, 2019

5 Factors to Consider When Hiring an Interior Painter

A fresh coat of paint can breathe new lease of life into your house interior, but only when the interior painting job is done correctly. This is why you need to consider several factors before hiring an interior painter in Melbourne for painting the ceilings, walls, sidings, trims and other spaces and surfaces of your home. By hiring the right painter, you can achieve the best results in a hassle-free manner. On the contrary, working with the wrong person could cause several problems. 

Here are the 5 factors you need to consider when hiring an interior painter.

Interior Painter

Thursday, September 13, 2018

6 Common Mistakes That Makes Your Painting Appear Botched

Choosing the right colour can be very tough. A lot of things can go wrong when attempting to use the colours in your home. Sometimes even the painting service providers fail to acknowledge these mistakes. Here are 6 most common mistakes you should stop making when painting your houses. Read through the article to know them and learn how to fix them.

Wednesday, September 5, 2018

Difference Between Commercial Painting & Residential Painting Services

Painting the interior or the external façade of your property makes a world of difference to the way that it looks and how you feel. It is the choice of colours, the finish and surface appearance that all makes the effect.

Interiors and exteriors of homes and those of commercial spaces are surely different and they have specific painting requirements. There are people that are specialized in handling one or the either with some companies offering services for both.

There is surely a difference between the residential and commercial painting services. In this article we point them out giving you a good idea about their individual capacities.

Tuesday, July 31, 2018

5 Benefits of Hiring Professional Interior House Painting Services

Painting the interior of your house on your own can pose a lot of problems that you do not have knowledge about. Hiring experienced and fully trained interior house painters will relieve you of the problems associated with painting a home. If you haven’t considered hiring professional interior house painting services in Penrith then perhaps you are not aware of the benefits that professional interior painters can provide. 

Here are the five most important benefits of hiring professional interior house painting services in Penrith:

interior house painting - bg painting

Tuesday, June 5, 2018

3 Important Things To Consider When Painting Your House

Home exterior painting is one of the most important tasks in home renovation and requires extra attention to be executed to perfection. The first thing that catches the attention of a house is the exterior painting finish. Therefore, it is important to get the job done properly. Failing to do so will only ruin the aesthetic appeal of your property leaving a poor impression on your style and taste. Here are some of the best tips and tricks to ensure that the exterior painting is prompt and immaculate.

exterior house painting

Keep the Weather in Mind

The Campbelltown weather can be very extreme and it is not an unknown fact. Therefore, you should plan ahead of painting your exterior walls. One of the best times to paint the house is spring season. Winter has just faded, it is no longer extremely cold, neither it is too tiringly hot. The weather also remains fairly straight during this time of the year. However, before you start with the painting task, make sure that you are fully aware of the weather forecast. Choose a dry time of the year with little to no chance of rain and humidity. Otherwise, the paint will not stick to the wet surface as the paint requires enough time to dry.